Calming the Storm: How to Deal Logically with Customer Emotion
Overall Rating:
5.0 out of 5 (9 ratings)
All Learners
4.00 hour(s)
Individual Fee:
If customers feel a service was not superior, they might not only stop being your customers, they might even take actions to negatively impact your business with future customers! In fact, on average, disappointed customers discuss their negative experiences with at least 9 people. And if posted on social media, that impact grows greatly and can be devastating.
Ironically, these bad experiences can actually be good news: It's a moment of truth to solidify the customer relationship. That is, research supports most "satisfied" customers don't evolve into "wowed" customers until something goes wrong and you handle it smoothly!
In this four-hour workshop, you will learn practical steps to deal with customer anger, frustration and even belligerence that results in satisfying both you and your customer.