Name: Don't Be Taken by Surprise
Overall Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2 ratings)
Category: All Learners
Duration: 1.50 hour(s)

The future is NEVER a straight-line extension of the present. You and your team need to think and act in the future tense. This webinar highlights a six-part process and provides some “considerations” that can help you avoid surprises. 

Because of Covid-19, business reality for many organizations in 2020 was, unfortunately, one of surprise and confusion. Governments, companies, and individuals did not anticipate the future.

However, Covid-19 is not the first time we have been “taken by surprise.” That said, we should not simply accept this as inevitable. Pragmatic leaders can do better. 

This Development Activity has not been scheduled.
College of Lake County
19351 West Washington Street
Building E, Suite E186
Grayslake, IL 60030
United States
Importance: Why this competency is important to our organization, mission, strategy, or goals.

This webinar highlights a six-part process and provides some “considerations” that can help you avoid surprises. 

SkillPrerequisiteExpected Outcome
Critical Thinking & Decision Making1 - BeginnerNot specified
Strategic Planning1 - BeginnerNot specified
Class Costs
Class ValueNo Charge
Individual Fee$0.00
Private Class Fee$0.00
5.0 out of 5 (2 ratings)

Well done Wed, May 18, 2022
Lots of information to think about. New ways of looking at things. Very personable speaker; knew his subject well. Enjoyed the back and forth chat.
Great Ideas on Anticipation & Planning Mon, Jul 26, 2021
Bill Welter makes you look at how you think and react to unexpected events in your business. Anticipating and always looking to the future helps you to stay at the forefront of your industry.
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